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Jacksum is a free and platform independent utility for computing and verifying checksums, CRCs and message digests as well as timestamps of files.

Jacksum is entirely written in Java.

It supports most common checksum algorithms (Adler32, BSD sum, POSIX cksum, CRC-16, CRC-32, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Unix System V sum, sum8, sum16, sum24, sum32, Whirlpool and xor8)

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  1. 下载ASTER L1B数据,AST_09(或者AST_07,未知有何区别)格式。数据包括两个文件,hdf0是15m VNIR(band 1-3),hdf1是30m SWIR(band 4-9),一般只需要hdf0。
  2. 用MultiSpecWin打开hdf文件,将各个band分别保存为tif文件
  3. 用photoshop打开三个band的tif文件,按照RGB模式通道合成为一个文件,采用231合成的效果比较好。
  4. 在photoshop中对图像进行直方图调整、锐化,保存为jpg
  5. 用ECW compressser将jpg转换为ecw格式
  6. 在OziExplorer中校准, 投影设为UTM,然后用META FILE里面的四个点来作为校准点,分别是图像(包括黑色部分)的四个角。
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软件的说明中提及了此软件可以用于pair programming,我想如果这样的软件真的能够达到实用化的话,基于网络的远程PP也是有可能的。即使不是远程PP,对于工作小组内部的商讨事情也会带来很大的方便。

可惜软件是用于Mac OS X的,没有办法试用。


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EE times 的一篇文章介绍了Garmin GPS map76s的内部模块结构,下图是引自该文章的。



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GPS information是一个很值得看的站点,几大GPS厂家的设备信息、GPS相关软件、使用心得等等资料非常齐全。

该网站里面一篇文章Important features for a hiking GPS介绍了什么GPS适合于hiking使用。


Below are my “essential hiking feature list” of GPS receiver features.

(I omitted features that are present in ALL receivers.)

  1. 12 channel parallel receiver system: Needed for best reception in difficult terrain and tree cover.

  2. WaterProofness: Unit should be rated submersible to protect it from getting wet.

  3. Long battery life: Keeps you from having to carry so many batteries.

  4. Built in Maps: Not absolutely essential, but big help in orientation and estimating distance to nearest roads.

  5. Route capability: Twenty Route capability is pretty standard. Make sure you get one with at least 20 routes.

  6. Waypoints: 500+ user entered waypoints are pretty standard. Make sure you get one of these.

  7. Multiple Datum capability is pretty standard: Make sure all the datums you will want to use are included in the GPS you select.

  8. Fit nicely in your pocket and lightweight: This is a very personal thing, but you should consider it when you are thinking about hauling a unit around in the wilderness.

  9. Bearing to next waypoint: Almost universal, but essential to hiking use.

  10. Screen Size and your ability to read it are important especially if you have problems with viewing fine detail.

Not ABSOLUTELY essential features, but nice to have.

  1. “Map” screen (as opposed to just a numerical lon/lat position fix): Makes it much easier to see where you are relative to reference waypoints.

  2. Rotatable screen: Garmin makes a couple of units capable of rotating the screen vertical (handheld use) or horizontal (car dash use). These are not the handiest for pocket use, but lots of people like this compromise for joint hiking/car use.

  3. UTM readout may be a consideration for some. This feature is available on a limited selection of consumer GPS receivers.

  4. Topo Maps uploaded into your GPS: The Garmin USA Topo CD maps contain contour lines and small stream data very helpful in navigating in off-road territory. Magellan has a new TOPO map offering for the M330 available late Summer 2001.

  5. For use under heavy tree cover or difficult (multipath) terrain conditions, an external amplified antenna will generally be helpful.

  6. A minimum of 8 megs of map memory is recommended on a mapping GPS though you can “get by” with 1.4 megs or so.

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